24 June 2021
Virtual Event
Europe/Athens timezone

Introduction to SCION

24 Jun 2021, 16:40
Virtual Event

Virtual Event


Caspar Schutijser


In this presentation, we provide an introduction to SCION. SCION stands for Scalability, Control and Isolation on Next-Generation Networks, and is being developed at ETH Zurich, a university in Switzerland, and its spin-off company Anapaya Systems. The goal of SCION is to provide a secure, stable and transparent internet, achieved through secure inter-domain routing and path-aware networking.

The presenter works at SIDN Labs, where he works within the context of the 2STiC programme. The 2STiC programme is a collaboration between AMS-IX, NDIX, NLnet Labs, SIDN Labs, SURF, TU Delft, the University of Amsterdam and the University of Twente. Within this programme we are looking at emerging internet architectures, such as SCION, RINA and NDN, as well as programmable networks.

Primary author

Caspar Schutijser

Presentation Materials